Zen Mobility Launches Micropod ThermoFlex – A Mobile Refrigerator

Zen Mobility has recently unveiled Micropod ThermoFlex, a new variant of the beloved Micropod that works as a mobile refrigerator that helps ensure consistency across the cold chain. The Micropod ThermoFlex can store products in a range of 15 to -15 degrees Celsius based on the needs. Leveraging this key feature, Micropod ThermoFlex seems to be perfect for delivering fresh fruits, groceries and dairy products. It can also be a game-changer for pharmaceutical companies to deliver vaccines that require cold storage.

With a storage volume of 50 cubic feet, Micropod ThermoFlex can be used for any perishable product that needs temperature-controlled transport. According to the sources, Zen Mobility is eyeing partnerships with BigBasket, Country Delight and other grocery stores.

Zen Mobility was established with the aim to redefine global electric mobility to make it synonymous with convenience, comfort, design supremacy, and affordability. The firm designs, engineers, and manufactures custom Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs), with a mission to enable a seamless transition to electric mobility and lead the way toward a much-needed sustainable future.

Currently, Zen Mobility produces 1,000 units per month of its LEV which it calls ‘micropods’. The firm aims to increase its production to 2,000 to 3,000 units per month by the end of the year