Marposs Exhibits NVH G-EAR: Noise Testing of Individual Gears at IMTEX 2025

The IMTEX 2025 offers its scene to Marposs presenting one of its most valuable application for the gear measurement and testing: the NVH G-EAR machine.

With the now firmly established hybrid (HEV) and full electric vehicles (EV), the noise of the drivetrain has become one of the major issues that every car manufacturer has to deal with. In BEVs, a silent gearbox not only ensures the mechanical reliability and efficiency of the electric drive unit, but also represents a comfort issue for the driver.

To achieve the target of a silent gearbox, it is paramount to test 100 percent each individual gear prior to the assembly of the transmission or gear reducer. The identification of potential noisy gears at this stage represents a huge time and cost saving for our customers.

The ideal solution for gear noise testing in a manufacturing environment is Marposs NVH G-EAR, a machine that is capable to test the parts at challenging operating conditions (3000 rpm rotation speed, 40 Nm torque) using a special master gear that engages the part based on the Single Flank rolling action.